Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties

Alcohol Focus Scotland


Barnardo’s Scotland

Breastfeeding Network

British Society of Lifestyle Medicine

Children’s Health Scotland

Children’s Parliament


COPE Scotland


Down’s Syndrome Scotland

Early Years Scotland

FASD Hub Scotland

Fast Forward

Fathers Network Scotland

Home-Start UK

Inspiring Scotland

Institute of Health Visiting

La Leche League in Scotland

Mellow Parenting

Moira Anderson Foundation

NCT – Nursing, Midwifery & Allied Health Professions Research Unit

Neurological Alliance of Scotland

Obesity Action Scotland

Parent Network Scotland

Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland

Royal College of Midwives (Scotland)

Sands/NBCP (Scotland)


Scottish Childminding Association

Scottish Paediatric Society


Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland

The Spark


Voluntary Health Scotland

We Are With You Scotland

Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland

YouthLink Scotland



Amma Birth Companions

The Cottage Family Centre

Fife Alcohol Support Service – FASD Fife

Fife Gingerbread

Geeza Break

Getting Better Together Ltd

Healthy Valleys

Nurture the Borders

Oshay’s Brain Domain


CELCIS – University of Strathclyde

FAAST Fetal Alcohol Advisory Service and Support Team

Institute for Social Marketing and Health, University of Stirling

International Journal of Birth and Parent Education

Mother and Infant Research Unit, School of Health Sciences, University of Dundee

MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, University of Edinburgh

Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professional Research Unit

Scottish Rural Health Partnership (University of the Highlands and Islands)

Scottish School of Primary Care


Lorna Dhami, General Practice Nurse, Deep End Practice, NHS GGC

Helen Gilpin, Nurse Specialist for Looked After Children, NHS Highland

Kirsten Kernaghan, Senior Clinical Nurse Specialist, Chalmers Sexual Health Centre, NHS Lothian

Inger McGowan, Homlessness & Inclusion and Sexual Health Nurse, NHS Lothian

Liz Smith, Former Breastfeeding Advocacy and Culture Lead, Scotland


Professor Sir Harry Burns, University of Strathclyde, Former Chief Medical Officer, Scotland

Dr Linda de Caestecker, Former Chair, Scottish Directors of Public Health

Dr Zhong Eric Chen, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Researcher & Fitness Instructor

Professor Helen Cheyne, Professor of Maternal and Child Health, Stirling University

Sheila Duffy, Chief Executive, ASH Scotland

Professor Pat Hoddinott FRCGP, Chair in Primary Care, NMAHP Research Unit (Stirling)

Dr Patricia Jackson OBE FRCPCH, Immediate Past President, Scottish Paediatric Society

Dr Carey Lunan, Chair of Scotland’s Deep End GP Group

Dr Miles Mack, GP (Dingwall) & Immediate Past Chair, Scottish Academy

Karyn McCluskey, Chief Executive, Community Justice Scotland

Ambrose Parry, aka Christopher Brookmyre & Dr Marisa Haetzman

Dr Mary Renfrew OBE FRSE, Emerita Professor, Dundee University

Dr Jonathan Sher, Former Lead, Healthier Pregnancies, Better Lives

Alan Sinclair, Author, Right from the Start: Investing in Parents and Babies

Catriona Sinclair, Vice-Chair, Scottish Pharmacy Board

Dr Maggie Watts, Director of Public Health, NHS Western Isles

Dr Rachael Wood, Consultant, Public Health Medicine, Public Health Scotland

Andy Wynd, Principal Consultant, Bute Consultancy